Sunday, October 16, 2005

Standard Input forum, etc

Greetings, fans et al.:
I come to make a few announcements:
First off, there is now a Standard Input forum for discussion among bandmembers and fans. I think this is a great thing, because not only do we get to meet some of the fans we get on the internet (who would normally remain nameless and incommunicado), but we get to ask them questions, get feedback, and generally learn from them in a condusive environment. Plus, it's always a morale booster to get a couple nice reviews :D. That's not to say I don't want criticism on there; in fact, if you don't like our music, tell us how we can improve it. We may, of course, totally blow your suggestion off (perhaps it goes against our entire raison d'etre?), but it's still nice to get.
Also, I set up subdomain forwarding for our domain. Thus, instead of using, one could use Let's just say, this helps me out a lot. So, when we record and upload Agent, you can look on for the mp3.

As always, we'd love your comments.

~John Ohno
Lyricist, lead singer, and part-time synth player
Standard Input


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